
Showing posts from January, 2022

Riding shotgun with the gods...

 You read it correctly! Heh. But I don't mean a boom-stick, no. I'm wondering about the gods, how they get syncretised, associated, confused with, you know, the cause of all the confusion that we mortal folks get. If we consider the gods social beings, if at least amongst their own circles, we might be able to encounter them together, where one deity travels shotgun with another. This might be for various reasons.With Odin and Loki, it might be that Odin is eliciting random change to shake up the circumstances perhaps. Who knows? In the Hellenic pantheon, Prometheus hitches a ride with the great Goddess Athena in her dragon chariot; to take the fire from the heavenly forge to earth and to mankind. So there's interplay, also, we might also mistake one for another. Or sense a new being with the strange qualities of both. One problem for us might be the gods use of messengers, such as in the Olympian scheme of things, Hermes or Iris. How do we know if we have encountered Herme