
Son of 9 Mothers

So here's a piece of speculation: Heimdal born of 9 mothers has been speculated about for some time.  I'd like to add my own chunk: that Heimdal was son of nine Volva. H.R.Ellis Davidson mentions on p120 of God's & Myths of Northern Europe that: "The volva in Greenland who was described in such detail was said to be the last survivor of a company of nine women, and the sagas elsewhere represent the seeresses as going about in groups." To me this would provide a clue to the incredible sensory powers of Heimdal.  Just a thought. :-)  BTW, here's a quick photo of my new axes for display and handling at home. The smaller bearded axe needs to be antiqued. Nice?

Poem: Wounded Gods of Asgard

  Poem for the Wounded Gods of Asgard by O. G. Osborne 22nd November 2021 Wounded Gods I salute you! Pain and blood you endured, To guard and guide your Kin, Make your victories assured, And cut through chaos’ din. And spread your sentinel gaze Over Midgard’s stony walls, Despite man’s constant failings, Inadequacies and falls... Hail the mighty Aesir! Shining, bold and true, Perhaps, some of us at Ragnarok, Will be able to repay you? Drenched in honour, dryghten-friends, Glory-gold of Asgard’s best, Sacrificed of yourself no mend, Without complaint or behest. Warfather, Odin One-Eye, Plucked an eye for his Kin. At the well of wisdom, He put the eye within. Swordfather, Tyr One-Hand, Severed his hand, for his Kin. He pledged it to bind Fenris, To seal a mighty win. Shieldfather, Heimdall One-Ear, Tore his ear, for his tribe, Deep in the well he sank it, To sense the nine world’s vibe. No coward can come near them,

My latest Norse kit

 Hail friends. I'm not a re-enactor, but I do hang around with them and get some good advice. I managed to put together some reasonably authentic hand stitched clothing and panoply, though it still falls short of in some ways, it's fine for a beginner. I guess, as I'm a skilled melee fighter with a score years behind me, I can wear this stuff without it being theatrical; I can fight. The intention of getting Norse fighting kit together was to train with winged spear, 36" skjald, sword and axe, using some Hurstwic training DVDs and some basic understanding from my old studies of HEMA.

'We are the wall' - a poem about Himminborg

  We are The Wall v2 Poem by O.G.Osborne Standing Firm After the stones have rolled, No Barrier Beheld Between The Sacred, Asgard Hall, And the cold rage of giants with their Icy Maul. “We Are The Wall” Our shields are lock-set At the blowing call, Of the mighty Gjallarhorn.   “We Are The Wall” Our doom is sure-met, Brothers and Sisters of Himinbjörg. Together firm against the Worg. The foe comes again and again and not by half, We stand and fall like trees at the outer garth. With bold hearts and a mead-sweet laugh, Our blood a-flood the surges cordoned hard, Halting chaos with our shining skjald!

A new horn, in deep crimson, specifically for Thor!

I have gotten hold of a crimson coloured ox horn for offerings to the mighty Thor. I'm not sure how I will go about this however. Thor is supposed to have a red beard and hair in some traditions.

Thoughts about the pagan divine

  Current Thoughts about Divinity I could be so wrong, I mean, I feel like I have been a lot in life. So don’t quote me. I’ve been seeing a lot of writers, both academic and polytheistic, joining in to rationalise their religious beliefs; some euhemerise and many, unwittingly or intentionally, objectify. I don’t know how far this actually permeates the mindset; but I feel it’s endemic and needs to be really thought about. A thought system based on alien foundational material cannot be stable! And from what Christians suggest, constantly, that use of statues in any way to represent deity is idolatry, (I don’t agree) though, considering this reduction to object attack, we then accept that deity is ‘a planet’ like Gaia, or Sunna is ‘the sun’. Can you see the operation? So what is going on? If our best shots at ‘pinpointing’ or demonstrating deity are simple acts of reduction, or euhemerism, what are we left with? I’m going to suggest the need to point at the earth

Riding shotgun with the gods...

 You read it correctly! Heh. But I don't mean a boom-stick, no. I'm wondering about the gods, how they get syncretised, associated, confused with, you know, the cause of all the confusion that we mortal folks get. If we consider the gods social beings, if at least amongst their own circles, we might be able to encounter them together, where one deity travels shotgun with another. This might be for various reasons.With Odin and Loki, it might be that Odin is eliciting random change to shake up the circumstances perhaps. Who knows? In the Hellenic pantheon, Prometheus hitches a ride with the great Goddess Athena in her dragon chariot; to take the fire from the heavenly forge to earth and to mankind. So there's interplay, also, we might also mistake one for another. Or sense a new being with the strange qualities of both. One problem for us might be the gods use of messengers, such as in the Olympian scheme of things, Hermes or Iris. How do we know if we have encountered Herme